Written by the Cloudscape Technology Team

Managed Network – 8 Key Benefits you should know

A managed network has many great benefits. In this article, we'll look at eight reasons for implementing a managed network in your business.


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Managed Network

Are you looking to optimize your company’s IT network?

For many businesses, a slow, creaky internal network is more a hindrance than a help. But it doesn’t need to be this way. Managed networks fix these issues and bring a lot more to the table.

But don’t just take our word for it. Read on for 8 key benefits a managed network can bring to your business.

1. Access to the Top Industry Technology

To remain ahead of the competition in this tech-dominated world, you need to keep ahead of the IT service curve. You’ll need to get new systems implemented and to the optimal functioning point. And keep them there!

With rapid changes in the world of IT, it can be costly and a real mind-bender. With the right managed network, you can alleviate that burden to keep things current and secure.

Your service provider ensures that you’ve got the latest technology and equipment. They’ll also keep you up to date with information and strategies to keep moving forward.

It’s a way for small businesses, for example, to stay competitive with large competitors. They’ll get access to the same infrastructure and equipment as these larger businesses. But without that added pressure of managing them in-house like larger IT teams have to.

2. Help to Keep Things Cost-Effective

Like most outsourcing options, hiring an external network service can save you money. Here are a few examples of how:

Initial Spend

Getting the right software and hardware for your specific needs is an investment. And an expensive one at that. A managed network will set you up with a tailored solution straight away and handle all setup.

The costs spread over the entire contract term, which brings down the initial outlay. Some network providers even offer pay-as-you-go plans. This structure helps accommodate businesses with high fluctuation in their needs.

IT Costs

A managed network service lets you pay for only what you need and use. You don’t have to pay out wages for an entire IT staff if you’re not using them.

But don’t worry, when you need help, you’ll get all you need. And it’ll be fast too – this can save you a lot of money as opposed to paying out for those trained IT specialists joining your team.

Monthly Costs

With a fixed monthly pricing structure, you can budget your IT services better. There are fewer concerns and unexpected costs to manage. All-inclusive price packages usually include:

  • Proactive management
  • Support services
  • Reactive support

You can also streamline a bunch of IT services over one connection, which will bring down your infrastructure costs. Remote staff can get fast, easy access to all your network functions. Voice conferencing, data, apps – they are all readily accessible for your local and remote teams.

3. Makes Sure Disaster Recovery is a Breeze

No matter what happens on-site, your data and IT resources are safe and secure off-site. There will also be cloud backups.

All service reports, job tickets, performance info, and more will be safe in the event of a disaster. You could lose the entire office in a natural disaster without the headache of losing sensitive business data and networking infrastructure. This redundancy allows for faster recovery when disaster strikes.

4. Puts in Place Better Risk Management for IT

When it comes to owning a business, there will always be an inherent risk. These are a few of many factors that can add to this risk:

  • New government regulations
  • Fluctuations in the market
  • Technology changes/advancement
  • Changing economic climates

Managed network providers can hugely reduce these risks. They have up to date industry knowledge and resources at all times. So sit back and let the experts stay on top of everything that’s critical for your company’s data protection.

5. Better Compliance and Security

Security breaches in your business could be fatal to your success and reputation. Proper compliance and security measures are imperative for protecting confidential client info too.

Your provider can save you from the disaster of an attack by hackers. They have high-level security measures in place including:

  • Secure firewall
  • Workstation audits
  • Strict PCI standards

Any provider worth their salt will have strict security protocols in place to keep your data safe.

6. A Wealth of Knowledge & Experience

In an ever more digitalized world, IT talent is in huge demand. Businesses of all shapes and sizes want to expand their infrastructure and move to the cloud.

With a managed network service, this problem solves itself. You don’t need to worry about making sure you have the right amount of people with the exact right expertise.

The task of hiring and maintaining the right people falls to your network provider. Your provider manages recruiting, hiring, and training of their network of professionals. Your business gets to make use of all that expertise, hassle-free!

You will also gain access to skilled experts without the typical HR nightmares. A managed network will save you time and money without sacrificing the quality of the support and service you get and need.

7. Regular Monitoring

The best defense you can have against network problems is a solid offense. Regular monitoring lets your business stay ahead of any potential issues.

You can prepare to tackle these network issues when they are small. Fixing these issues at an early stage will likely reduce downtime and mitigates the extent of any damage. It is far better to stop growing problems early on rather than dealing with them when they have become huge concerns.

Here are a few additional benefits of routine monitoring for your network:

  • Quickly address potential issues
  • Avoidance of unnecessary downtime
  • Better network performance

Monitoring lets you smooth out the bumps in your network as they come up. In the long term, this will be a benefit to the consistent performance of your company’s data network.

8. Optimizes Operations

A managed network service as a whole compiled of many different services put into one package. Many managed network providers typically include:

  • Network maintenance
  • Monthly reporting
  • User admin
  • Monitoring of user devices
  • Implementation of patches/upgrades

Each of these services come together to paint a picture of how your network is performing. Then, network professionals can see where improvements should be implemented, for increased efficiency and security. These networks are tailored to your business needs and designed to make operations more efficient, cost-effective, and secure.

Managed Network Services Made Easy

These are some of the obvious benefits of running a managed network. Managed networks can support all of your current systems, helping you to create a secure, compliant network without sacrificing productivity or quality of service to your clients or your team.

If you would like to speak with an integrations expert and further discuss additional benefits of running a managed network for your business, please Request A Free Consultation.



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